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I wish I'd done it sooner!

I’ve always wanted to run my own vintage and antique shop, and I’m so pleased to be doing so in the wonderful town of Great Malvern.


The town is changing and many of the old shops have gone (including most of the antique shops) and new shops are taking their place. Some locally run and some national chains. It’s all good for footfall as new people discover the joys of spending a day in an elegant spa town that’s definitely on the up.


I’m lucky to have been able to establish myself reasonably quickly and to have built up a group of loyal (and supportive) customers who pop in on a regular basis to check what’s new.


I love that people love the stuff that I’m buying, and I take a great of pleasure from when they purchase an item. I love the stories behind everyday objects:  where they’ve been, who owned them etc. The details really matter to prospective buyers. I love mixing different styles and showing people that items from completely different periods and of completely different styles can sit together quite comfortably. In fact, they can really enhance one another.


Tastes change and fashions come and go. All that I can do is buy what I like and trust my judgement that someone else will love it as much as I do.


I just wish I’d opened sooner!

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